Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Veterans Day: 11/11/18, Sylvan Lake

 It was 24, overcast with flurries at Sylvan Lake. We decided to take a "walk" since the Vikings were off. Ice is beginning to cover the lake, the wind was blowing which made the wind chill single digits. Vick was dressed for the outing; I was not so it ended up less than 2 miles. It was also an excuse to go to Hill City and eat the best burgers in the Black Hills. We saw plenty of deer and turkeys on our drive back into town. Several were directly across the lake from us. Smaller deer were all at the lower elevations eating the better grass in front yards.

 Vick is trying out her layering abilities and new coat to make sure she doesn't freeze when we head off to Yellowstone National Park later this winter.

 If any of you looking at this are rock climbers the Black Hills have some of the best climbing in the U.S.

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