Saturday, July 6, 2019

Lover's Leap Trail, Custer State Park: 1 July 2019

 First time on this trail and we ran into a lot of poison ivy. It's a 4 mile loop and opportunity to see wildlife is above average. This trail is located near the C.S.P. Game Lodge that was the summer White House during the Coolidge administration.

 This sign took me back to team teaching days with Tom and Kirk. We would have had a wonderful project for American Studies centering around this sign.

 We were not as close as this photo appears, sorry it is so grainy.

 The trees show the fire damage from the December 2017 fire that burned over 50,000 acres in C.S.P. The large amounts of moisture the past two years have helped bring the forest back. There is a lot of food for the large bison, deer and other animals.

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