Wednesday, July 10, 2019


 If you aren't following SoDak weather it has been a wet year. We have had 20" of moisture so far this year and a normal total year accumulation is 16-18". While this keeps our part of the state green it also creates problems such as tall grasses that will dry out and easily catch fire. I have included some photos here from the various tours I've been leading. Disclaimer on Mt. matter what you hear, there can be no more presidents added to the rock. It's a myth that Obama or Trump will ever be added.

 Crazy Horse is making progress and worth the bus trip back to the base.

 I got caught filling the tour van with gas when this downpour hit town. We received nearly an 1" of rain from this storm. For those of you not from dry climates, that is a lot of rain at one time.

 I had a Colorado couple on a tour when we ran into this family along the road. I had never come across the young ones before!

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