Saturday, August 19, 2017

August 19 - 25, 1948 "Up North"

 Carol, 1952 Minnesota trip

 beginning of Mississippi, Ervin Kahler, Carol, Charles, Helen and Henry    fishing trip, year unknown

For our family (prior to me) going "up north" was a common phrase that the family understood and were excited about. That fishing trip to Bemidji, MN was a break from the Illinois summer heat and a chance to eat fresh fried fish for a week. I was taken on one of these trips (that I can remember), we shared a cabin with the McMullens and Neil invited his cousin, Don Pflederer along. Interesting fact, years later I would marry a Stuber who is related to Don. Don had a morning paper route so he was up every morning by 5:00 and out on the dock fishing. Enjoy this change of pace from the normal journals I've recorded thus far.

August 19: "Went to farm late this morning. Worked around home all day. Dad and Dan went to fair. We are leaving tonight on a weeks fishing trip to Jess Kinmans at Bemidji, Minn."

August 20: "Got to Bemidji at 6 o'clock. Had a good trip but was very tired."

August 21: "ON VACATION  Went into town." Helen wrote, "Ervin and Henry caught enough fish for our meal."

August 22: "ON VACATION" Helen wrote, "Henry and Ervin and I went out fishing. We caught 43 fish. I caught a smaller Northern. Had a hard rain and storm tonight. Fellows went fishing after it was clear."

August 23: "ON VACATION" Helen wrote, "Henry and I went fishing, caught about 25 fish. Clarence Schmidgall's from Morton visited Kahler's. Enjoyed meeting them. Ate dinner at their cabin." Note from Rich: I actually met the great-granddaughter of Clarence while working in the Morton High School Library. 

August 24: "ON VACATION"

August 25: "ON VACATION"  Helen wrote, "Went into town shopping with Edna (Kahler)."

toys   .25
soda's  .50
socks  .39
book  .10
supper  1.55
overalls  2.39
dolls  1.98

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