Saturday, August 26, 2017

August 26 - September 1, 1948

August 26, 1948  "On Vacation! Went to Continental Divide and then to Red Lake. Saw a lot of Indians and a large saw mill."

August 27:  "Started for home this morning. Visited Itasca State Park on the way home. Stayed at Rochester, Minn. all night. Visited Helen & Connie Herman. Helen was leaving for home in the morning. We ate supper at the 'Covered Wagon,'" more on the restaurant

August 28: "Got home late this evening. Had a good trip."

August 29: "Stayed around home after dinner. Was at Rockholds for dinner. Jimmy got scratched by dog, took him to the doctor. Went to Grandma Adcox's for the evening."

August 30: "Went to Pekin this morning, took Charles to dentist. Went to farm after I got home. We went to look for corn dump all over country. Got home about 8:30 this evening."

(I believe the corn dump was used to haul the corn back to the crib. Any other ideas are welcome.)

August 31: "Went to farm early this morning. Took some parts to Delavan to get them welded. Hauled manure all afternoon, was pretty hot. Picked bushel of peaches this evening. Vic & Grandma were here this evening."

September 1: "Went to farm this morning. Hauled manure most of day. Went to look for corn dump. Got home about 9 o'clock."

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