Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bike Trip II

Completed my second bike trip to Winona, Minnesota last Sunday afternoon. Four teachers, two young (under 40 and under 30) and two not so young (over 55). We left Kewanee, IL on Wednesday (June 2) and 360 miles of wind, rain, rollers, and hills later we arrived at our destination. It was wonderful! Tom and I were making our second trip and Kirk and John their first trip. John was unsure if he would finish but with food like that shown in the photo he easily answered the challenge. This trip was very different for me, I actually was able to use my mountain gear so I could climb EVERY incline we encountered. I didn't even get nervous when the pack of little dogs (10) tried to rush me toward the top of one particularly intense climb. Tom was able to Twitter our trip and that was fun for my wife. Longest climb went over 2 miles which may not seem like much to some of you but it will sure take it out of an older guy. It is also the angle of the climb that makes it difficult! Great food, great conversation, life-long memories, this is one of those experiences that bond people together at many different levels. :-)

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