Wednesday, June 30, 2010


We had our Men's Gathering at FUMC Peoria on Monday night. Our study time was difficult, it dealt with being a dad. We read Hebrews 12:1-12 and Ephesians 6:1-4. Aaron then directed us to a hand-out where he had summarized four "landmarks" from Ephesians. These came from the book, Point Man, by Steve Farrar. I had read this book during our Basic Training class and it is a powerful read for all fathers. But, the four main points Aaron wanted all men to think about as they raise children:
Fathers should raise their children.....
1. with Fairness. Habitual unfairness over the years results in an accumulation of anger that eventually embitters children toward their father.
2. with Tenderness. There are many facets of tenderness, including sympathy, compassion, responsiveness, warmth, and kindness.
3. with Firmness. To refuse to discipline a child is to refuse a clear demand of God, for a child who doesn't learn to obey both parents will find it much harder to learn to obey God. READ THIS ONE AGAIN!
4. in Christ. When a father disciplines and instructs his children in the admonition of the Lord, he is under the quality control of the Holy Spirit.

Young fathers don't realize they will spend many hours contemplating these very issues when their children are grown and gone. I encourage fathers to address the issues at every age, every day and then they won't have to wonder how did I do. I am not going to reveal the discussion our table of men had regarding the rating they gave their own father on each issue. It gave each of us pause to think.

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