Wednesday, August 2, 2017

School Memories - Helen

Following quotations were taken as written from a small book called, "My School Day Autobiography." Dates are provided where the writer included one.

"Do you love me? Do you not? I love you, no matter what."  Madeline Woerner

December 31, 1932  "Dear Helen:  Roses are red; violets are blue; sugar is sweet, and so are you."  Marjorie Riley

March 11, 1933  "Dear Helen: When you're married and I'm an old maid, I'll bet you a dollar you'll be willing to trade."  Evelyn Bailey  (note said Evelyn lived in Lincoln, IL)

September 30, 1934  "Dear Niece: My love for you will never fail as long as pussy has a tail. But when her tail is off gone my love for you will still hang on."  Aunt Helen (note from Rich, I have no idea who this "aunt" was.)

These two notes were found on page after the above 1934 post.

Mr. Roy R. Reeter hurt in auto wreck Dec. 25, 1932.  Passed away Dec. 28, 1932.

Ellis Bayston died December 20, 1935 in Tremont. Age 19, senior at Tremont High School.

December 25, 1932 "Dear Helen: We are writing the gospel a chapter each day, by the deeds that we do, by the words that we say. People read what we write whether faithless or true, say, what is the gospel according to you?"  Mrs. Schaefer

January 1, 1933  "Helen: When you are old and cannot see, put on your speckies and think of me."  Daddy

July 12, 1933  "Dear Helen; When you are married your baby gets cross, come over to my house and feed it applesauce. Yours till hairpins get sick on permanent waves." Your sister, Imo

Feb. 6, 1935  "Dear Helen, I love you little, I love you big, I love you like a little pig."  Yours Sincerely, June VanBuren

Feb. 14, 1935  "Dear Helen: When you get married and have two twins, don't come over to my house for safety pins."  Your classmate, Audrey Humfrey

Jan. 2, 1932  "Dear Helen: Times are hard and boys are plenty, don't get married until you are twenty."  Your friend, Lenna  (note from Rich, Helen didn't quite follow this advice, she graduated from high school on a Friday night and married Henry on Saturday in 1941. Interesting history note that by 1932 the "Great Depression" was into year 3.)

Feb. 23, 1935  "Look out for your toes they might get tangle(d) up and down you go."  "Liza" your Brother....(not sure if this was Vic or Yeat or Carlyle)

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