Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October 24, 2018: Flume Trail

Supposed to reach 70 here on the 24th so we got out before the heat arrived. This trail actually leaves from the Spring Creek trail parking lot. We made an immediate stream crossing and began to climb. After 15 to 20 minutes of hiking we reached the Flume Trail (50) and turned right toward Sheridan Lake.
 Single tunnel we were able to hike through, had we turned left back a hundred yards there is another tunnel which we will hike another day.

 Trail number, this trail is well marked which isn't always the case.

 Looking down to Spring Creek which is where we had hiked on Saturday morning.

 Off in the distance you catch a bit of the CCC constructed dam and Sheridan Lake. The town of Sheridan is at the bottom of the lake.

 Sample of the type of hiking found on this trail.

 Last three pictures are looking down at Spring Creek.

 Destination, Sheridan Lake. You can connect to the Centennial Trail for extended backpacking trips. Trail 89. We returned to our car via Spring Creek Trail so there was no repeating!

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